Watch birds in your yard or neighbourhoof to help Saskatoon Nature Society survey the winter bird populations in the Saskatoon, Grasswood, Beaver Creek and Moon Lake regions.

You are invited to participate in the annual 2022 Saskatoon Boxing Day Bird Count. At this time every winter, birders across the world spend a day counting the wild birds in their neighbourhood. The results of these annual surveys help establish trends in bird populations. Such data are valuable for bird conservation initiatives.

Results from this count will be printed in the Blue Jay magazine published by Nature Saskatchewan (, an organization of people interested in observing and protecting nature in Saskatchewan.

Birders who live within the circle shown in the image may keep a list of birds seen on December 26 in your yard or neighbourhood. Only list birds you can identify. After registering, you will be given instructions for submitting your observations.

This count is organized by members of the Saskatoon Nature Society. The results will be compiled by John Patterson.

To register for this event, please complete and submit the form below.

Please answer all questions on the registration form. We need this information to contact you with proper count forms and any other information.

Questions about this count – Contact Bob Godwin preferably at or phone 306-343-8590.

Instructions and Count Forms will be emailed to you.

Blue Jay
by Nick Saunders
Bird Count Survey Area