Saskatoon Nature Society
Connecting People and Nature
Monthly Meetings and Speaker Programme
Listen, learn, and share ideas with people who are passionate about our natural world!
SNS offers a monthly speaker programme from September to April on the third Thursday of the month. All meetings are live streamed through Zoom.
During the fall and spring months presentations will be in hybrid format: speakers will present live at in-person meetings while being simultaneously streamed through Zoom. During winter months speakers may be streamed from outside the Saskatoon region and on these occasions, there will be no in-person meeting.
All are welcome to attend these meetings either in-person or through Zoom. Look for details about each month’s meeting in the SNS membership newsletter, confirming any in-person meeting time and place. A reminder email with the meeting details and Zoom link will be sent to each member whose current email address is on file.
Non-members who wish to attend through Zoom should provide their name and email address to Claire Bullaro at for each meeting. Please consider becoming a member of the Saskatoon Nature Society if you wish to receive the Zoom link automatically each month.
In person meetings are held on the University of Saskatchewan Campus and are thus subject to the university’s rules regarding COVID restrictions. At present, masks and social distancing are encouraged but not required. We will not be providing shared refreshments, so please bring your own drinks and snacks.
The monthly meetings include announcements from the SNS president. If you have an announcement or notice, please contact the president at least 2 days before the meeting.
Click HERE for the current meeting information
Pelican Watch
Meewasin invites you to guess the date and arrival time of the first pelican in the ‘Official Splashdown Zone’ between the weir and CP Bridge. The Meewasin Pelican Watch Contest runs from March 1 to March 31, and as usual, there are some great prizes. You can enter on the Meewasin website ( or the Meewasin Facebook Page ( after March 1. The arrival time of the first pelican is observed by the Saskatoon Nature Society.
This, of course means that members of the Saskatoon Nature Society have to be extra diligent and keep lookout for the arrival of the first pelican. The Pelicans have arrived as early as April 2 and as late as April 20. If you spot a pelican in the official splashdown zone, please text (or call) Greg Fenty (306-370-8839) or e-mail We will tabulate all the first sightings to come up with the earliest date and time. Thank you for your assistance.
current activities
New Life Member – Greg Fenty!
Greg has been the Coordinator of the Young Naturalists program since 1995, working with both the Saskatoon Nature Society and the Saskatoon Zoo Society to deliver hands-on conservation education to kids aged 5-11. Greg leads a wide variety of field trips and workshops throughout the year, including track and scat identification, pond dipping, and the Christmas Bird Count for Kids. He also takes care of all of the background work, preparing materials for the birdhouse and feeder building workshops, and collecting and sterilizing owl pellets for the always-popular owl pellet dissection workshop. Greg has a gift for educating. He brings heaps of enthusiasm and a wealth of knowledge to his presentations and the kids really engage with him and ask all sorts of questions which Greg is always happy to answer. Greg also maintains and bands the Mary Houston Bluebird Trail, and takes interested Young Naturalists along to learn about nesting, bird development, and banding.

In governance, Greg played an important part in the creation and stewardship of the Saskatoon Natural Grasslands and the opening of a Nature Centre in the Mother Teresa School, first as a member of the conservation committee, and later as Society President from 1998-1999.
Greg became the Society’s Display Coordinator in 2001 and continues to help find volunteers and take care of set up and take down of our displays at events like the Nature City Festival and Gardenscape, where many Saskatonians first learn about the Society.
Greg coordinates the team of spotters for the MVA’s Pelican Watch contest. When the first pelican sighting of the year came in, Greg’s team would rush to the weir to verify that the bird had landed within the designated splash zone. When a loss of funding for the MVA jeopardized the contest, Greg helped come up with a plan for the SNS to help keep it going. Greg hopes that one year he will be the first to spot the arrival of the first pelican.
Greg has had an outsized role in how the society engages with the people of Saskatoon. His work with the Young Naturalists program has introduced generations of kids to nature in a fun and memorable way, and with our displays and the Pelican Watch contest has raised awareness of the Society with the general public. For these efforts, I believe that Greg deserves a life membership.
Joshua Erikson
Sharp-tailed Grouse Dance Trip
Early April
SNS Members Only. We will drive out of town well before dawn on a weekday morning in early April to view this sunrise ritual from a public road. We should return to the city before 8:00 AM.
Leader: Stan Shadick (306-652-5975)
Register before April 4 by sending your full name(s) and cell phone number and trip title by email to
Date of trip TBA

Bluebird Trip
Sat. April 5, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
We plan to drive in a short convoy west of Saskatoon in search of Mountain Bluebirds. The round trip distance should be less than 150 km.
Meet in the parking lot for the Esso Station near the intersection of highway 7 and 11th St W.
Leader: Kerry Hjertaas
Register before April 5 by sending your full name(s) and cell phone number and trip title by email to

Northern Saw-whet Owl Evening Trip
Fri. April 11, 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM
We will drive to the Pike Lake area to listen for the calls of Northern Saw-whet Owls, Long-eared Owls, and Great Horned Owls.
Meet by the Grain elevator at the Western Development
Museum parking lot.
Leader: Marten Stoffel (306-230-9291) No registration

Gull Trip
Sat. April 12, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Learn to identify Saskatoon’s gulls. We plan to drive to a variety of locations along the riverbank in or near the city.
Meet at WonderHub Children’s Museum south parking lot. Stand outside and wear your binoculars so we can find you.
Leader: Robert Johanson (

Holiday Park River Walk
Sun. April 13, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
We plan to follow the walking trail from the park to Gordie Howe bridge and back. Look for ducks, gulls, and any other signs of spring. Wear good waterproof shoes and bring a water bottle. Admire the new pathways/benches set up by the Meewasin Valley Authority. May be postponed if weather is bad.
Meet at the south end of Avenue K.
Leader: Kathlin Simpkins
Register before April 12 by sending your full name(s) and cell phone number and trip title by email to

Crocus Hike
Wed. April 16, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
From the meeting point, we will drive to the most suitable location. Check the SNS website in case this field trip is postponed due to weather.
Meet at gravel parking area to the east of Lakewood Civic Centre.
Leader: Sara Bryson (306-261-6156)

Brightwater Marsh Waterfowl trip
Sun., April 27, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
We plan to drive to Brightwater Marsh and Blackstrap Lake to look for early waterfowl. Bring a lunch.
Meet in the parking lot in front of Wild Birds Unlimited, 2600 8th St E in the strip mall at SE corner of 8th Street at Emerson Avenue.
Leader: Bob Godwin (306-361-6732)

University Riverbank Bird Walk
Saturday May 3, 9:00 – 10:00 AM
We plan to walk a portion of the Meewasin trail to look for water birds and early songbirds.
Leader: Mercy Harris (
No registration needed.
Meet at parking lot to the north of Diefenbaker Centre on campus.

Save the Date!
Saturday May 24
Spring Bird Count
Compiler: John Patterson
Organizers: Stan Shadick and Kerry Hjertaas
The Saskatoon Nature Society and the Nature Conservancy of Canada have joined together to manage a property near Asquith, Saskatchewan. SaskTel’s MaxTV has produced a video to showcase this beautiful area.
Click here for the video.
What else can I do?
Other Activities
Sharp-tailed Grouse Dance Trip
Early April SNS Members Only. We will drive out of town well before dawn on a weekday morning in early April to view this sunrise ritual from a public road. We should return to the city before 8:00 AM. Leader: Stan Shadick (306-652-5975)Register before April 4 by...
Bluebird Trip
Sat. April 5, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM We plan to drive in a short convoy west of Saskatoon in search of Mountain Bluebirds. The round trip distance should be less than 150 km.Meet in the parking lot for the Esso Station near the intersection of highway 7 and 11th St...
Northern Saw-whet Owl Evening Trip
Fri. April 11, 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM We will drive to the Pike Lake area to listen for the calls of Northern Saw-whet Owls, Long-eared Owls, and Great Horned Owls.Meet by the Grain elevator at the Western DevelopmentMuseum parking...
Gull Trip
Sat. April 12, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Learn to identify Saskatoon’s gulls. We plan to drive to a variety of locations along the riverbank in or near the city.Meet at WonderHub Children’s Museum south parking lot. Stand outside and wear your binoculars so we can find...
Holiday Park River Walk
Sun. April 13, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM We plan to follow the walking trail from the park to Gordie Howe bridge and back. Look for ducks, gulls, and any other signs of spring. Wear good waterproof shoes and bring a water bottle. Admire the new pathways/benches set up by the...
Crocus Hike
Wed. April 16, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm From the meeting point, we will drive to the most suitable location. Check the SNS website in case this field trip is postponed due to weather.Meet at gravel parking area to the east of Lakewood Civic...
Brightwater Marsh Waterfowl trip
Sun., April 27, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM We plan to drive to Brightwater Marsh and Blackstrap Lake to look for early waterfowl. Bring a lunch.Meet in the parking lot in front of Wild Birds Unlimited, 2600 8th St E in the strip mall at SE corner of 8th Street at Emerson...
University Riverbank Bird Walk
Saturday May 3, 9:00 - 10:00 AM We plan to walk a portion of the Meewasin trail to look for water birds and early songbirds. Leader: Mercy Harris ( registration needed.Meet at parking lot to the north of Diefenbaker Centre on campus. Click here...
Save the Date!
Saturday May 24Spring Bird CountCompiler: John PattersonOrganizers: Stan Shadick and Kerry Hjertaas
Young Naturalist 2024 Bluebird Trail Schedule
The Mary Houston Bluebird Trail Here are the tentative dates for the 2024 Young Naturalists Bluebird Trail Monitoring (as best as I can predict) and some information about our Bluebird Trail. (This schedule will be subject to change. Updates will be posted...
Beginner Bird ID Workshop
Join Birds Canada’s Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas Coordinator LeeAnn Latremouille for an online Beginner Bird ID workshop. Aimed at beginners, the hour-long workshop will cover the basic tools used in bird watching, the fundamentals of bird identification, and an...
Saskatoon Young Naturalists
UPDATED March 12, 2025 Welcome to the Saskatoon Young Naturalists. 2025 is our 57th year of hands-on conservation education.The Young Naturalists program is a collection of nature-based activities designed for kids aged 5 to 11 years and their families. TO REGISTER...
Printed Resources
Saskatoon Nature Society produces a number of publications which can be viewed by clicking below.
Field Trips
Everyone is welcome to attend field trips. Lots of information is available by clicking below.
Become a member
Membership in the Saskatoon Nature Society costs $20 per year. Donations to SNS qualify for a tax receipt.
Explore Saskatoon
Find a ‘Nature Hot Spot’ in Saskatoon.
Saskatoon Nature Society
Connecting People and Nature
Saskatoon Nature Society
Box 27013 Grosvenor Park
Saskatoon, SK S7H 5N9
Become a Member
- Click HERE for more information.
Contact Us
Saskatoon Nature Society
Box 27013 Grosvenor Park
Saskatoon, SK S7H 5N9