Saturday, September 10
Any Time

Registration Deadline: September 8

Citizen Science Volunteers Needed!

This citizen science event is organized by the
Saskatoon Nature Society.

Participants are needed to help survey the bird populations in the city and surrounding natural regions during the peak of fall migration. For this count, the rural area includes the area SE of the city that is east of the river and south of highway 5 including areas near Dundurn, Hanley, Clavet, Bradwell and Allan. The data provided by these annual bird counts helps detect changes in bird populations.

New participants are welcome and will be assigned to an experienced team leader or you may choose to just report birds seen on their property. Duration of count varies for different teams. You may participate all day or just during any part of the day.

To register, please provide your name, address or rural location, phone numbers and availability times in an email to

Go to 
for more information about this and other Saskatoon Nature Society events.

Data from previous counts was used in the writing of

Birds of the Saskatoon Area.

This book may be purchased online at 

Fall Bird Count Area